
Enterprise performance
Saipan Resort Hotel

Saipan Resort Hotel is a five-star hotel integrating accommodation, dining and entertainment. It is located on Saipan island in the Northern Maria Islands of the Western Pacific. The main projects include entertainment building, main building, southern hotel, northern hotel, villa area and overall greening supporting facilities.

  • 璧山县| 南乐县| 焉耆| 云南省| 沂源县| 衡水市| 如东县| 富锦市| 凤阳县| 治多县| 柳江县| 咸宁市| 武冈市| 墨江| 乌海市| 武定县| 四平市| 乌海市| 始兴县| 西乌| 溧阳市| 甘洛县| 乐平市| 宜都市| 出国| 桂平市| 瑞丽市| 志丹县| 府谷县| 汉沽区| 茶陵县| 东安县| 西城区| 陆丰市| 云安县| 静安区| 视频| 华阴市| 黑龙江省| 上虞市| 肇东市|