
Enterprise performance
Airbus A320 series Flight Final Assembly Line project in China

The total construction area of the project is 172000 square meters, which is the fourth production line in the world, the first large aircraft production line in Asia, and the first production line of Airbus outside Europe. This project has won the Luban Award of China Construction Engineering in 2009 and the high quality award of China installation engineering in 2010 (China installation star).

  • 顺义区| 尼玛县| 丹棱县| 丁青县| 红原县| 梁平县| 花莲市| 焦作市| 瑞金市| 禄劝| 彰化县| 永福县| 平昌县| 庄河市| 仪陇县| 定日县| 海宁市| 金山区| 安图县| 石门县| 潜山县| 武乡县| 藁城市| 清涧县| 遂川县| 庆城县| 米泉市| 山阴县| 郎溪县| 西藏| 永康市| 屯昌县| 遂平县| 綦江县| 蓬安县| 孟津县| 万盛区| 虹口区| 德保县| 沽源县| 双峰县|